Monday, 25 July 2016

Ask yourself about your Strength

Ask yourself about your Strength
Once, a person decided to realize his dream. Only he didn’t have enough strength to do it. Then he turned to his mother:
- Mother, help me!
- Darling, I would be glad to help you, only I don’t have it. And everything I have, I already give to you…
He asked a wise man:
- Master, tell me, where can I get strength?
- It is said that, it is on the Everest. Only I couldn’t find anything there, except the snowy winds. And when I came back, the time was irretrievably lost…
He asked the hermit:
- Holy Father, where to find strength for realizing my dream?
- In your prayers, my son. And if your dream is false, you will understand it and find peace in your prayers…
Who didn’t the person ask, but the results of his search were only confusion.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Real Winners Don’t Give Up!

Real Winners Don’t Give Up!
This is a true story of a young woman who went through the most gruesome fire. When you read her story, you’ll realize that your trials are absolutely nothing compared to what this young girl went through.
It was September 25, 2000. Maricel Apatan was an 11-year old girl in Zamboanga. On that day, this little girl went with her uncle to draw water.
Along the way, four men met them. They were carrying long knives. They told her uncle to face down on the ground, and they hacked him on the neck and killed him.
Maricel was in total shock,

Friday, 8 July 2016

To become a great leader, you must become a great communicator

You can’t become a great leader, if you can’t speak well.
It’s no coincidence that throughout history nearly all of the great world leaders were good speakers 
Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy 
— to name but a few.
Whether you’re a president or a manager, your success depends on good communication.

7 tips to make you a great communicator

1. Connect with people — 

effective communication is more about building relationships than anything else. Communicate with the emphasis on connecting with people and they will respond better to you and your message.
Speak from the heart and use your own language, let your own personality shine through. Make sure your communication is genuine and true and avoid corporate mumbo-jumbo — your team will respect you for it.

2. Build trust — 

for you to become a great communicator, people must trust you. Being aware of this is the single most important thing that you should keep mind:
“If you want to win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are a sincere friend.”
Abraham Lincoln

Monday, 20 June 2016

Difference between Success and Failure is so small

Difference between Success and Failure is so small
The difference between a successful person and a person who is considered a failure is extremely small. In fact, it is so small that it often cannot be determined. Same education, same opportunity, same knowledge, same financial means - and yet one person fails and the other succeeds. If you look at two pots of water on a hot stove and one suddenly begins boiling

- what is the difference?

Your answer may be simply that one is boiling and the other is not. But what is the DIFFERENCE?

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Life is a Journey, Not a Destination

Life is a Journey, Not a Destination
Life can’t be described by only one or two words. It is the mixture of everything. The mixture of happiness and sadness, success and failure, comfort and pain, encouragement and frustration, opportunities and frustrations, love and hatred, relief and sorrow, and struggle and giving up. Life is not perfect, but it is beautiful.

Life is a journey, not a destination.

Everyone takes every step in a very unique way. This journey may take you down by great storms and bumpy road but it does not matter, what matter the most is how many times you stand-up to continue. Each moment on journey of life you are presented with an opportunity to react differently.You may even make the same choices over and over again because you do not know how to choose otherwise. You have the power to change things and not walk around in a constant circle.

Life is a mixture of happiness and sadness 

Nobody grew-up with a constant emotion. Many situations will test our emotion. It will make us happy, sad or angry but one thing we must remember, it is just a test given to us to make us stronger.