Monday, 20 June 2016

Difference between Success and Failure is so small

Difference between Success and Failure is so small
The difference between a successful person and a person who is considered a failure is extremely small. In fact, it is so small that it often cannot be determined. Same education, same opportunity, same knowledge, same financial means - and yet one person fails and the other succeeds. If you look at two pots of water on a hot stove and one suddenly begins boiling

- what is the difference?

Your answer may be simply that one is boiling and the other is not. But what is the DIFFERENCE?

The difference is 1 degree, the difference between 211 degrees F and 212 degrees F. Only 1 degree. And yet, that one simple, small degree makes a huge difference.
 The difference between success and failure is so small that you could liken it to the simple flicking of a light switch. The wiring, electricity and bulb are all there. But it takes the act of flicking the switch from Off to On for the room to go from total darkness to bathed in light.
It is a moral that more priceless than any other for it will show you what you need to do to get anything and everything you want out of life.


  1. Good one.....Really a most valuable lines to describe the difference between Success and Failure

  2. The absolute, uncomfortable truth is that some people are destined to fail and there is no way out.

  3. Failure is part of life. "It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case, you fail by default.A failure should never bring you down, but should challenge you to be better.
