Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Inspiring people who have made a lasting contribution towards creating a better world

This is a selection of inspirational people – people who have made a lasting contribution towards creating a better world. These people have inspired others by their various achievements but also their attitude and values.This does not aim to be a fully ‘comprehensive list’ but it provides a start. If you’d like to suggest anyone else who you feel is inspirational, feel free.

Nelson Mandela. (1918 –2013 ) Campaigned for justice and freedom in his South Africa. Spent 20 years in jail for his opposition to apartheid. After release he became first President of democratic South Africa and helped heal the wounds of apartheid by his magnanimous attitude to his former political enemies.

Mikhail Gorbachev. (1931 -) Had the courage, tenacity and strength of character to give up the absolute power of Soviet Communism. Moved the Soviet Union to democracy and respect for human rights. In doing so he enabled the Berlin Wall to come down and Eastern Europe gained freedom from Communist control.

Martin Luther King. (1929 – 1968) Inspiring leader of the non-violent civil rights movement. Inspired millions of people black and white to aspire for a more equal and just society.

Jesus Christ. (c.5BC – 30AD) Prophet and inspiration of Christianity. Taught a message of love, forgiveness and faith. Born in a turbulent period of Roman rule, after his crucifixion, his message inspired millions around the world.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Top Motivational Hollywood movies every entrepreneur MUST watch

The Social network (2010)

The Social network

The social network was a Hollywood blockbuster released in 2010. It was based on the fairy-tale rise of Mark Zuckerberg and his startup – Facebook. The social network remains on top for inspiration because of its deft storytelling and brilliant background score.

This is a good movie on taking your idea from dreams to reality. The movie also teaches a lot on scaling a company from your dorm room to a Billion users! Although the accuracy of this movie has been questioned, it doesn’t matter, it is a great source of inspiration for all entrepreneurs.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Do not be distracted by criticism

 Do not be distracted by criticism
One day a farmer's donkey fell into a well-ass hours is she crying out loudly and farmer listening and considering what it should've been and what not. Eventually she decided that since he has ass was quite old, so it was not going to be any benefit from saving and therefore should've buried him in the well.
         Farmer all his neighbours called for help. All-in-One grabbed a shovel and began to put dirt into the well. As soon understand what it is that ass, she began to cry and howl howl vigorously. And then, suddenly, he was surprisingly calm manner. 're all quietly put mud into the well.

The farmer then peeped into the well so he was shocked by surprise. With every shovel of dirt falling on your back that ass was a wonderful gesture. Every time they throw a shovel full of dirt into the well, it lands on the little donkey who then shakes the dirt off onto the floor of the well.

Friday, 16 September 2016

It’s high time to introspect and realise the worth of our near and dear loved ones

It’s high time to introspect and realise the worth of our near and dear loved ones 
Lee Chai had a good-for-nothing donkey. The donkey was wild, unruly, lazy, and obstinate and would not obey Lee Chai and all efforts to train the donkey failed. Soon the donkey became such a nuisance that Lee Chai and his wife were fed up of the donkey and wanted to get rid of it, so they decided to sell off their useless donkey and purchase a good one.

So Lee Chai took his good-for-nothing donkey to the weekly fair where animals were bought and sold by auction.

“I want to sell this good-for-nothing, lazy, useless, disobedient donkey,” Lee Chai shouted.

God is able to take the little that we are able to do

God is able to take the little that we are able to do 
A little girl wanted to become a great pianist, but all she could play on the piano was the simple little tune, "Chopsticks." No matter how hard she tried, that was the best she could do. Her parents decided after some time to arrange for a great maestro to teach her to play properly. Of course, the little girl was delighted.

When the little girl and her parents arrived at the maestro's mansion for the first lesson, they were escorted by the butler into the parlour, where they saw a beautiful concert grand piano. Immediately, the little girl dashed over to the piano and began playing "Chopsticks." Her embarrassed parents started across the room to tell her to stop, but as she played, the maestro entered the room and encouraged the little girl to continue.